Burn tackled the incredibly challenging role of technical director for photographer Jim Fiscus on this 360 shoot inside London’s National Portrait Gallery. The team had only 5 hours to set up, capture 17 homegrown celebrities of Youtube for the company’s 2016 #MadeForYou campaign, and break down. Burn planned a scenario that enabled the equipment and large crew to shift seamlessly as the camera panned back and forth. After the shoot, working in a hotel room because of the tight schedule, we retouched and composited dozens of images into the final sphere.

Burn tackled the incredibly challenging role of technical director for photographer Jim Fiscus on this 360 shoot inside London’s National Portrait Gallery. The team had only 5 hours to set up, capture 17 homegrown celebrities of Youtube for the company’s 2016 #MadeForYou campaign, and break down. Burn planned a scenario that enabled the equipment and large crew to shift seamlessly as the camera panned back and forth. After the shoot, working in a hotel room because of the tight schedule, we retouched and composited dozens of images into the final sphere.