Burn once again did the capture and retouching for Showtime’s Homeland, supporting photographer Jim Fiscus on advertising and PR images for season 6. Our key challenge was to help create the look of the U.S. Marines recruiting station in Times Square, which has an American flag made of LEDs on its facade. CG wasn’t an option, because we wanted real light and reflections; building a real LED sign was too complex. As a solution, Burn created a digital flag that was projected onto the background.

Burn once again did the capture and retouching for Showtime’s Homeland, supporting photographer Jim Fiscus on advertising and PR images for season 6. Our key challenge was to help create the look of the U.S. Marines recruiting station in Times Square, which has an American flag made of LEDs on its facade. CG wasn’t an option, because we wanted real light and reflections; building a real LED sign was too complex. As a solution, Burn created a digital flag that was projected onto the background.